Labels:book | chat room | earth | fence | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: Forn 4768 Application for Extension of Time To File Return and or Pay Estate OMC No. 1545-011 (Hev. May 1993 5-'31 -98 {and Generation- Skippine Transfer) Taxes xdires DepsImr QfIN YSEN ELLKTjU| lvia. [For filers of Forms 706 706-A, and 706-NA) Note Use Form 2758 ta reguest an extension for Forms 706GS(D} anc 706GS(T) PartI Identifi cation Lecederts Ti-st name anc middle Decedenl's ast name Dale o ceal Naneofexecllar Name or appl cation tler (" other than trc executor) Decedent's social securily nunber Aoeress ot excuor (NLmOcr a1d rOOn or suitc ro.] 5-atc tax return aLC ato sate: ana coce Part Extension of Time To File ISec 6091) You must attach your written statomert to cxplain in uctail why ipossibl or impractical ta filc Extension cate requestec rcuspnably complcte within months after ...